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今日(2024-05-08):    昨日:    總計:
台北市汽車旅館 -- 探索南港館 / Room No: 心得 -- 台灣摩鐵(http://twmotel.com) ::: 全國最專業汽車旅館,精品旅館,motel專業網站


浪漫情趣: 5 分
服務態度: 4 分
環境清潔: 5 分
房間設備: 5 分
消防安全: 5 分
價格合理度: 便宜

發言人: Misty【20537】
來自於: 會員保密
張貼日期: 2010-06-27 21:30:12
討論發表: 0篇
討論回覆: 0篇
心得發表: 7篇

探索南港館 / Room No:

I've been the villa room years ago n glad to hear the news they lately remodled, couldn't found any post of anyone been there, so i made the adventure
forgot the room number, it's 尊貴級探索夜空, pretty big room.
pity the 室內戲水池 is 死水 , dark n not clean, just for decoration.
some mustquito in the room, i wonder how to solve this problem.

the space is big, but seems the managment still not in system.
breakfast n resturant is quite rough.

hallway outside the room

big living room ktv

stair to bedroom


bathtub next to bedroom (sorry about the shake)

too dark, it's like small swimpool but only still water


回覆者: 探索南港館
來自於: 業者保密
回覆日期: 2010-06-28 17:11:17

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今日(2024-05-08):    昨日:    總計: