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暱稱: StevenSchroeder
發表: 2008-11-11 14:05:56
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浪漫情趣:7分 服務態度:7分 環境清潔:7分
房間設備:6分 消防安全:7分 價格CP值:非常貴

This is my first time at a Motel in Taiwan. I heard so much about Taiwan's famous Motels, but never tried them. Today's experience was by chance as I happened to be at the Far East Tech Park at Chong Ho, and decided to pop in for a short stay, and boy was I more than satisfied with their imppecable service. From the moment I check in to the garage, and then.... the room itself.... Wow! never seen one like it before. I will definitely come back to the SLV when I am at the Chong Ho area, Thank you all for such a memorable experience.

業者: SLVMotel
回覆: 2008-11-19 14:59:17

Thank you very much.

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